Several things can get you through a tough day but nothing is as lasting and impactful as laughter. Nothing compares to the soothing feeling you get from a hearty laugh or the warmth of a genuine smile. You will no doubt agree with me when I say that sometimes the only remedy you need after a long grueling day is to see the smile of a loved one.
To see your spouse, a good friend, or your child smile at the sight of seeing you and for you to smile back has a way of making you forget how hostile your day was or how bad it’s going. The best thing about a smile or a burst of laughter is that it is contagious. Laughter always has a way of leaving you feeling good on the inside no matter how sad or tired you are.
If you are struggling with experiencing the kind of joy you wish you would try smiling more and laughing more. The simple act of doing so will help get you through a rough day and help you forget the bad things that are happening around you. I know smiling or laughing is hard when you are going through a rough patch but if you train yourself you can get through anything in life.
If you are finding it exceptionally difficult to find humor when you are confronted with something really bad, look for something that will make you smile or laugh. Try comedy movies, animation if you are a fan, search for hilarious memes online and have yourself a hearty laugh. You could also try going through healthy reading material online. One advantage of bookmarking a humorous site or a website that is dedicated to making you laugh is that you can quickly access it anywhere and anytime of the day.
Best ways of using joy to get through a tough day.
· Finding humor in a difficult situation.
One way of getting through a difficult situation is by finding something to laugh about. Instead of viewing your experience as something you can never recover from, try seeing it from a different angle. For instance, you may be depressed from losing a big client over a small misunderstanding. If you are not careful, your depression will begin closing up other windows of opportunity already available to you. So, to avoid that, stop entertaining feelings of disappointment and find some humor in how a small misunderstanding messed up a chance of a lifetime.
· Calling up a close friend.
Now and then, the only thing you need to get through a rough day is talking to your friend about it or just calling them up and sharing jokes instead. Sharing appropriate jokes is a great way of holding on to your joy and experiencing the comic relief that you very much deserve.
· Refusing to take things too personally.
One of the main things that easily steal your joy is your weakness of taking things too personally. It may be true that there are some offensive comments or acts that may be directed to you, however, that is not always the case. Stop taking everything you hear personally to retain your joy. Instead of getting angry when corrected or advised, try finding some humor in the reprimand because more often than not, corrections have some element of truth in them.
· Knowing a solution to your problem is already out there.
Do not allow failing to meet your daily goals or tasks take away your joy or cause you to think that it is the end of the world. Know that for every problem you face, a solution already exists. You just have to find it. Knowing this will motivate you to keep going and remain excited about what you can accomplish.
I hope from today onwards, you will begin with smiling more and laughing more to get through a rough day and enjoy the whole process. See the positive things of life.