Exploring Mindfulness and Meditation
In our everyday lives, we are all guilty of neglecting our minds, allowing our brains to be lulled into a lazy, neglected, and unaware...

The Art of Silence: Meditation Techniques
In today's fast-paced world, many people are seeking a way to get away from it all and relax. Meditation, which is essentially a method...

Binaural Beats - What They Are, How They Work & What They Can Do for You
Binaural bests were first discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. However, Dove did not realize the full potential of this...

Self-Love Series - The Complexity and Psychology of Self-Esteem
Assessing self-esteem can be quite problematic. The issue lies in the fact that self-esteem can fluctuate on a moment-to-moment basis...

Compassion Series - The Benefits of Compassion
Once we see the power of compassion, we can move on to explore the additional benefits. We know taking on self-compassion is a benefit to...

Compassion Series - Comparison Energy: Compassion’s Opposite
Comparison Energy: Compassion’s Opposite Another way (and one of the biggest ways) we express a lack of self-compassion is in our ability...

Is Inner Peace Eluding You?
Inner peace often eludes us when we are living a life not meant for us. That can mean many different things to different people. Maybe you l

How The Serenity Prayer Can Help Anyone, Anytime, And Especially Now
The purpose of this prayer is to bring peace and certainty to the heart and mind of people seeking support. It's about accepting what yo

5 Science Backed Reasons To Make Finding Serenity A Top Priority
Dictionary.com defines serenity as the state of being calm, peaceful, or tranquil. In these tumultuous and uncertain times, serenity seems l

What Does Internal Chaos Look Like?
Do you find it difficult to experience peace and serenity? Inner chaos may to blame, fortunately inner chaos is a factor we can control.