Summer Vacation is Right Around the Corner - Here is an idea!
When we think of “vacation,” an extravagant notion generally comes to mind. We think of airfare, hotels, rental cars, dining out,...

On a Personal Note - We'll See
This last weekend my son and I went out for lunch, talking with him, he reminded me of an old Chinese Proverb, that for me was just what...

On a Personal Note - My Prayer and Blessing for 2022
May the God of hope, faith charity, and love, be with us in this coming year. May you take the time today to look back over your year and...

Festive Holiday Food Ideas - Part 1
Introduction Cooking at Christmas time either brings joyful thoughts or thoughts of dread. Maybe it’s a combination. We all love the food...

Legend of the Candy Cane
Legend Of the Candy Cane Ever noticed how candy canes make the festival of Christmas a tad sweeter? These are delicious, sweet treats,...

History of "Trick or Treating"
Soul! Soul! Or a soul cake. Pray, good mistress, for a soul cake. One for Peter, two for Paul Three for them that made us all. Soul!...

Legend of Jack O'Lantern …a little Hallows Eve fun!!!
A stingy drunkard of an Irish blacksmith named Jack had the misfortune to run into the Devil in a pub, some say on Halloween night. Jack...

Love Is - Just For Fun - On this Valentine's Weekend Cannot see it unless you click the link!
**love is the sound of your words in my mind** **love seeks the heart and*************soul of its kindred kind** **love is the rhythm...

In Love with Words Series -Expression Through Writing
Expression Through Writing A romantic love letter is designed to make the other party feel special and honored. The following are some of...