Plant Based Diet Series - Recipes
Kick-start your plant-based eating journey, the following recipes you can add to your meal plan. Breakfast Recipes Overnight Oatmeal This...

Plant Based Diet Series - Kick Start Your Plant Based Lifestyle
In order to be successful in adopting a plant-based lifestyle, it is recommended to take small steps so that you have the opportunity to...

Plant-based Diet Series
The Science Behind Plant-Based Eating Research shows that we need more fruits and vegetables in our plates to prevent chronic disease and...

Plant Based Diet - Introduction
Introduction As our society evolves, we are constantly facing the need to change our behaviors and habits to increase our health and...

Wishes and Prayers Series - Advantages and Disadvantages
There are advantages to prayer but believe it or not, there can be some disadvantages. The Good and Bad Classically a lot of...

Wishes and Prayers Series - Affirmative Prayer Exercises
Affirmative Prayer is a potently, life enhancing spiritual practice which gives rise to the truth for yourself and other people and...

Wishes and Prayers Series - What if Doubts Arise
Many of us fantasize that faith will give us things: we'll feel safe and protected. We will know precisely what to do. Everything we do...

Wishes and Prayers Series - Negative Mindset in Prayer
Negative thoughts lead to miserable lifestyles, it is among the biggest encumbrances to your dreams. It results in lack if...

Wishes and Prayers Series - Getting in The Right Mindset
How come is it so much easier to have a negative attitude than a favorable one? What is inside of us that simply naturally pulls us...

Wishes and Prayers Series - How Affirmation Prayer Works
Affirmative prayer is a prayer where you don't ask for anything; rather you make a statement as if what you want already exists. For...