What Does Intentional Living Look Like?
If you think intentional living sounds confusing and complicated, you're probably not alone. It does sound quite intimidating, but it's a...

Summer Vacation is Right Around the Corner - Here is an idea!
When we think of “vacation,” an extravagant notion generally comes to mind. We think of airfare, hotels, rental cars, dining out,...

5 Key Benefits of Journaling for Personal Wellness
Writing down your personal thoughts and emotions is something that people have been doing for as long as history can remember - dating...

What Is Optimism?
Life is a series of ups and downs. Even on your best day, you can have moments of doubts, insecurities, and sadness. Now, think back to a...

10 Powerful Ways to Practice Self-Reflection in Your Everyday Life
Introduction Here's a brief scenario for you to consider. Jeff, a young career professional, comes home from work, has dinner, watches...

Achieving your Dreams - Let's Take the Leap
Getting from your comfort zone to your dreams will require you to take a giant leap of faith. You literally don’t know what’s going to...

Achieving your Dreams - Widening Your Comfort Zone
Our comfort zones aren’t set in stone. It’s just an artificial mental boundary that allows us to function in our daily lives without...

Achieving your Dreams - Working on Your Self-Discipline
The road to success is full of temptations and distractions. Without self-discipline, you can easily go off-target. Instead of taking...

Achieving you Dreams - Overcoming Your Fears
We’ve all got fears, just like we’ve all got our comfort zones. And on your path to success, your fears are going to appear out of the...

Achieving you Dreams - Planning Your Course of Action
Creating and defining your SMART goal is important. But you don’t just stop there. If you do, then who’s to say your goal is actually...