The Power of the Spoken Word

The power of words is woven into so many aspects of our lives, it's a wonder anyone doubts their transformative effect. Words shape our laws, our songs, and our prayers. They allow us to express love, ask for help, and share joy. It follows, then, that we each have the power to use words in life-changing ways.
The transformative power of words reaches beyond everyday interactions. They are a gateway to the Divine Mind, a Higher Consciousness, the Living God in each of us. You can find evidence of this in Psychology. Using affirmations, gratitude journaling, and meditation, we can change our moods and motivate ourselves to greater deeds. That's why they're such common tools in therapy.
Think about a time when someone said you were unworthy or unable to succeed. Did those words instill you with confidence, ready to take on all obstacles? Now, imagine that person saying the reverse; that you are loved, worthy, and capable. How would that have changed your perspective? These words, positive and negative, leave an indelible mark on our psyches, shaping our future.
Problems arise when we let negative words blind us to the truth. Whether they come from outside or within, they prevent us from seeing our worth. The longer we're exposed to this negativity, the more we internalize it. Children who grow up with negativity find it harder to break free as adults, or even to realize their power to free themselves. This blindness breeds fear and worry, two powerful barriers to success in life and love.
In the Gospel of John, Jesus Christ encounters a man who was blind from birth. When his disciples ask whose sin caused the man's blindness, Jesus replies that there is no sin, but opportunity. He then uses the opportunity to show them God's power. Making a paste from mud and spit, he spreads it over the man's eyes. After the man washes them clean in the Pool of Siloam, he can see for the first time
Pharisees interrogate the man, demanding to know how a sinner like Jesus performed the miracle. The man states, "Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”
This is a wonderful statement for anyone to make to themselves. "Where I was blind, now I can see."
In blindness, we cannot see our strengths, creativity, inner beauty, or opportunities. Our intuition is blunted, and we see friends as enemies. We allow fear and worry to rule our lives. The pandemic magnified our fear of failure, loss, criticism, and the future. Worries for our families, jobs, and homes overwhelmed many, leaving them unable to see a way out of the dark. Yet, within our minds, and with our words we have the power to change these experiences, to remove the blindness.
Jesus never claims to have performed a miracle. He was a conduit through which the Lord God (the Divine) acted. His connection to the Higher Mind allowed him to see the great potential in mankind. “Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of Myself; but the Father that dwelleth in Me, He doeth the works” is a verse from the Bible, John 14:10.
The man’s physical blindness is a powerful metaphor for the emotional and spiritual blindness many of us experience. Just as Jesus removed the mud from the man’s eyes, we too can remove the negativity that clouds our vision of our true potential.
If you are blind to your strengths, creativity, and intuition, you may feel lost and afraid. When you can see, obstacles turn into steppingstones. By changing your words and thoughts, and reaching the Divine Mind, you attain a sort of invincibility. You free yourself from the undertow of the negative words and thoughts that hold you back and pull you down.
Opening your eyes not only connects you to your source of power, but it also connects you to a broader community. You can see that you are not alone, and you never were. All of us are connected to the higher stream of consciousness. Although we dwell in separate bodies, we are part of a vast network from which we can draw strength and comfort. When you walk with God, you are never alone.
You might be saying, "This sounds good, but how do I reach the Divine Mind?"
This answer brings us back to the power of words. Meditation is one of the most powerful ways to connect with the Divine Mind and tune out the negative words that cloud our thoughts. Through meditation, we open ourselves to intuition - the voice of the Divine - guiding us toward happiness and fulfillment. Words, like those of prayer, are like making a phone call to the Divine Mind. Your intuition is the answer to that call.
Science has shown the power of meditation to heal. It costs absolutely nothing to practice and needs no equipment. Yet, it benefits us with enhanced mood, healthier sleep, and better cognition. Many studies suggest mindfulness meditation can control pain, ease depression, lower blood pressure, and strengthen mental discipline. These results are evidence of the mind's power to not only ease our emotional burdens but make our bodies healthier too. Faith is often the deciding factor in how fast hospital patients recover.
The great part about this tool is that we already carry it. It is an inherent power within each of us that we can connect with. Even more astonishing is that we can see benefits from meditation in just five minutes a day. You can try tapping into the Divine Mind yourself with no risk and no expense.
In my personal practice, I find sitting in a quiet place with minimal distractions helps me reach the mindset I want. To keep my mind from wandering, I concentrate on a simple prayer that I can repeat with the rhythm of my breath. At first, it was easy to get discouraged or distracted. But I kept practicing and found that it helped me connect with an inner peace I had not felt before.
I encourage you to try it, too. Practice replacing the negative words in your head with positive words. Use daily affirmations to motivate yourself, encourage positive changes in your life, or boost your self-esteem. Remember that, although it may be difficult at first, you are not alone. Begin your transformation from blindness to fearless and free today. Through our Divine connection, we can help you see yourself and the world in a whole new light.