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Stress and Anxiety Reduction Techniques Series - Intro


“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.”- Buddha

You probably think you are doing everything right. You eat a well-balanced diet. You get eight hours of good sleep every night. You exercise three or more times a week. Yet, you still experience stress or have anxiety in your life.

Even though you notice the physical symptoms of stress, your heart beating faster or the churning, uncomfortable feeling in your stomach, there is more to stress than the physical symptoms. It impacts the spirit, mind, and physical body in many ways.

Did you know...

  • 48% of Americans deal with more stress today than they did only 5 years ago?

  • Stress is the basic cause of 60% of all illnesses and diseases?

  • 77% regularly experience the physical sides of stress?

  • 76% of people say money and work is a leading cause of their stress?

  • 48% reported lying awake at night due to stress? (Source:

So, what causes stress and anxiety? They can come from many sources and affect everyone, at one time or another. Unfortunately, they often take a toll on your health.

Some of the major causes of stress include:

· Our jobs and school cause many people to be stressed. Work deadlines, coworkers and employer relationships are at the root of many stressors. Those still in school say academic pressure and peer pressure cause a lot of stress in their lives.

· Major life events, dramatic changes or experiencing loss of some kind are stressful. Events like weddings, death of a family member or pet, a serious medical problem in you or a family member, loss of job or financial resources, victim of a crime or natural disaster are all reasons we feel anxious or stressed.

· Worrying about the future, personal problems, political issues, or global issues can cause the onset of anxiety and stress.

Even with all the things that stress us in our lives, we don’t have to live with it. There are ways to reduce the stress and anxiety. Throughout this guide you will find great techniques to help you reduce the stress and anxiety in your life.


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