The 12 Universal Laws
The 12 universal laws are thought to be intrinsic, unchanging laws of our universe that ancient cultures have always intuitively known.

Being Grateful in an Ungrateful World - Part 8
How Gratitude Can Change What You Attract Being grateful in any kind of situation is really a powerful and strong attracting force....

Being Grateful in an Ungrateful World - Part 7
Turning Bad Days into Gratitude Days When things don’t go our way and when everything around us seems to fall apart, the last thing that...

Being Grateful in an Ungrateful World - Part 6
The Difference Between Positive And Negative Mindset In Gratitude Your way of thinking about gratitude, whether positive or negative, can...

Being Grateful in an Ungrateful World - Part 5
Getting In The Right Mindset Having the right mindset means finding something to be grateful for in every difficulty. If you have the set...

Healing Practices and Self-Nurturing Rituals Series Continued
Eliminate Toxic People From Your Life Toxic people spread negativity around like germs – just as your sick friend could easily pass the...

Healing Practices and Self-Nurturing Rituals Series Continued
Forgive Yourself One difficult fact of life for many people to accept is the fact that nobody is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes – even...

Healing Practices and Self-Nurturing Rituals Series Continued -
Spend Time Doing What You Love A massive healing practice involves spending time doing what you love. When you identify a true passion...

Healing Practices and Self-Nurturing Rituals Series Continued -
Find Meaning In Your Life Having a good understanding of what you want and what makes you feel like you have meaning in life is...