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The Power of Living in the Now Series

Train Yourself to Be Mindful


Living in the now helps you be more appreciative of what you have and look forward to the future. There are ways you can train yourself to be more mindful no matter whether you’re at home with your family, out for a walk or during work. Start becoming more mindful today by implementing these 7 ways to train yourself to be more mindful.

1. Create what you desire. What do you genuinely want to experience in life? What journey do you want to be following? Being mindful starts with having a vision of what you want your life to be.

There are so many distractions in life that can easily take you off track of your dreams, goals, or ambitions. To accomplish what you want, you have to stay focused during the good and the bad days. On the days you feel like giving up, be mindful of your desires and continue on.

2. Be in alignment with your beliefs and values. Knowing what matters most to you, deepest beliefs and values keeps you on your path. Live every day in alignment with them. When you do this, you are making the decision mentally to be mindful in your life and consciously aware of your life.

When you are mindful in life you are aware of why you do something. You know and understand the reasons why you get up in the morning and go work. You have a purpose for living.

3. Disconnect from society and connect into your mind. We live in a world that’s constantly on. Facebook, the internet, messaging, Instagram, emails, television, fast food, billboards, advertising. All these things are noise that is constantly inundating our minds and our lives.

Train yourself to be more mindful by disconnecting from society every once in a while.

Instead connect to your own mind. Discover your emotions, thoughts, and feelings going on in your mind. Reflect upon what changes you need to make in your life if you are off course.

4. What is your legacy? What do you want to be remembered by? You can easily get stuck in routine and forget why you do what you do. Take the time to think about the end and why you do the things you do. Doing so keeps you mindful of your goals and values.

5. Have mindful actions. Express yourself through your actions by becoming more aware of the moment. You can be more mindful in a negative way or a positive one. To be positive in your mindful actions, be in the moment, aware of your body, your actions, and your thoughts.

For example, when you walk, about the way you walk. How is your posture? What do you see, smell, hear? Apply this way of being in the now in everything you do.

6. What inspires you? What is your purpose in life? Do you have a reason that inspires you to get up and start your day in a positive way? Or are you living by routine? These routines are draining and take you away from living in the moment.

Get clear on your purpose in life so you can start living each day mindfully. You’ll know that everything you do is connected to fulfilling your chosen purpose.

7. Know who you really are inside. Be real in everything you do. It’s impossible to live a more mindful life when you are materialistic and fake.

Always remain true to who you are. Stay connected to your inner being. Don’t conform to society’s expectations of who you are. When you know who you are, what you value and what you stand for, it’s easier to live in the now.


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