Stress and Anxiety Technique Series - Being in the Moment Stops Anxiety

Being aware of being in the moment is a great way to cut down on worry and anxiety. Follow these six steps to be more in tune with the present:
1. Practice savoring the present. Notice sights, sounds, smells and engage all your senses in each moment of the day. This helps you relax.
2. Focus on your task not on your performance. Focusing on the task at hand instead of worrying about how well you are doing keeps you from stressing over what will happen.
3. Notice your breathing. When you focus on your breath you feel more peaceful and centered.
4. Lose track of time by getting into the flow of what you are doing. Focusing on what you are doing and enjoying it while you are relaxes you.
5. Accept people and situations as they are. When you refrain from judging others or stop worrying about situations, you let your mind and body off the hook of fearing it.
6. Work on building your mindfulness every day. Mindfulness keeps anxiety at bay because you are aware of what is happening around you.
Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, you should aim to be in the present moment. This allows joy and happiness to replace anxiety.
More Ways to Reduce Stress
Light Some Candles
Light scented candles that make you feel good. Find a scent that makes you feel happy or that calms you. Using essential oils is another option. Some scents that are especially calming or soothing include:
Roman chamomile
Ylang Ylang
Orange or orange blossom