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Love Series - Just my Thoughts


Once the search is over and you have found love, a new journey begins for many this journey means marriage that most blissful state of romance that often also leads to years of changing attitudes and changing dirty diapers as well. Marriage is both a spiritual state of being an A constant process of compromise and evolution. When two lives are joined there is an intricate dance that must be learned and shared. Such a dance often requires couples to practice many vigorous lessons before an effort waltz is mastered.

Some partners are quick to point out that the marriage is not all wine and roses. But marriage is a commitment to walk the same path, even when that pass seems so narrow that the two of you can barely squeeze by side by side. When a marriage is bonded by love and fidelity, there is joy in the constant challenge to evolve both as individuals and a couple.

There are many concerns to juggle in today's marriage, gender roles, marital communications, finance, two career families, daycare, retirement planning, finding time for yourself, finding time for your friends, your spouse, your children, raising your children, and the list goes on and on, and life, becomes progressively chaotic. Stress on the marriage also increases, and the nature of the marriage becomes ever more complex. That is even more reason why acting with a heart filled with love and compassion, and not one beleaguered by stress, is so vital to fulfillment in marriage.

Marriage is indeed a Noble enterprise regardless of how long you have been married, most of us earnestly strive to deepen our love, improve our marriage, and enhance our life. Keep in mind the words of Mignon McLaughlin, “As Successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.


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