Is Detoxing Right for You Series
The Basic Rules of Detoxing Your Body
With a detox, you’re going to have to identify the toxins in your own life and then avoid them. At the same time, you’ll need to take some steps to boost your body with the repair process.
You can detox your body from the inside-out. The toxins are things you’ve ingested as well as outer pollutants that have landed on your body. Many people don’t think about it, but your skin is the largest organ you have – and you may not be protecting it from toxins in the air.
When you detox, you’ll not only be identifying and avoiding toxins, but you’ll be using things like diet, sleep, stress relief and more to help rid your body of damaging elements.
When you go through a full body detox, not only will your skin get cleansed, but your internal organs as well – your kidney, stomach, lungs and more. Your kidneys and sweat glands will do most of the heavy lifting during the detox process.
After identifying where your toxins are coming from, start replacing the processed foods with organic, whole foods. If you notice your diet has gaps in what your body needs nutritionally, then supplement it with various solutions like vitamins and minerals.
A good place to start would be:
A good multi vitamin – specifically one for your gender and age group
Omega-3 fatty acids – a great thing to take in lieu of eating oily, toxic fish like tuna
Vitamin B – preferably, a vitamin B complex that contains all of the B vitamins
Vitamin C – which will help boost your immune system
Vitamin E – with powerful antioxidants and the ability to keep you well
Resveratrol – which does the same as red wine, providing antioxidants
Diet is one of the main things you’ll be addressing during this detox. You want to start by knowing what to avoid putting into your shopping cart at the grocery store. That includes:
Milk, which is packed with antibiotics and hormones
Corn oil, which comes from genetically modified corn
Margarine, or anything that contains trans fat
Soy, which many believe is healthy but is horribly processed for consumers
Deli meat, which is packed with salt, artificial color and flavors and more
Tuna fish, which contains higher levels of toxic mercury than other fresh fish
Lard, which comes ripe with steroids, hormones and antibiotics like milk
Artificial ingredients, like colors and sweeteners that are harmful to your body