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In Love with Words Series - Show You Care When You’re Not There


Show You Care When You’re Not There

There are several different ways an individual can express love despite the existence of the element of absence. The following are some of the ways that have been proven to be very effective:

• Sending emails and love notes online is one of the more popular ways that most people indulge in today. This is made easy through the availability of the internet. Therefore distance is no longer an issue and neither is it a viable excuse to not practice this simple form of communication.

• Sending flowers is another popular way to display love despite the element of absence. Some places actually have the standing order facility for clients who would want such an arrangement to keep them from getting into trouble when love is not expressed in their absence.

• Having gifts ordered online and delivered is also another convenient way of expressing love, even in absence. There is a vast array of things that can be purchased easily and with the least amount of hassle possible, thus making it a viable option to choose from.

• Taking the trouble to enlist the help of family and friends to help pass messages that express love whenever possible is also encouraged, as these people collectively will be able to keep in mind whatever is needed to be done in the absence of the individual who enlisted their help. This makes the intended recipient feel loved and remembered.


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