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Flexitarian Diet Series -The Five Step Flexitarian Diet


The Five-Dimensional Plan

If you are trying to get on the flexitarian diet, you will need to make sure that you know all the basics. Since this diet is more of a lifestyle than an eating regime you will have to take it slow and gradually alter elements. Here is how you can start making the change.

1. Changing Mindset

It is quite obvious for you to know that vegetable-based meals will not taste like bacon or beef. You will have to tone down your expectations when trying out altered food elements. This does not mean that there are no plant-based meat substitutes available to use. You will have to do some research and watch recipes on YouTube to find something as per your liking.

Getting on the flexitarian diet plan will be much easier if you do not compare the taste of meat with other simple foods! You will have to remind yourself that you are changing your choices. You can even think of it as taking a vacation. Pretend you are in a foreign country and trying out things you have never even heard of!

2. Divert from Protein

Most of the flexitarian diet reviews are full of questions and queries. People ask questions like ‘how do you consume protein?’ or ‘which foods should I eat that taste like meat?’ It is essential for you to know that meat is nothing but an addiction. You can easily find foods that have protein in them. If you take these healthy things in combination at least five days a week, you will be just fine!

There is a list of soy products which contain protein such as tofu, soy milk, and edamame. You can also take beans and lentils in sufficient amounts to have more energy for workout sessions.

If you like rice and quinoa, you can whip up some desserts combining them with fruits such as cherries, strawberries, and raspberries. Vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts all have proteins which can be a positive addition.

3. Taking Smaller Steps

Most of the times when people start following the flexitarian diet recipes they buy exotic ingredients from day one. This is where they are mistaken. You do not need to get expensive things! Start with simple transformations then move your way up to organic and completely organic ingredients.

For example, you can start by changing cow’s milk with almond or soy milk. You can also try using vegetable broth for flavor in curries and sauces instead of using chicken broth.

4. Scheduling Recipes

Starting a flexitarian diet will be difficult if you consume meat five days a week. It takes a lot of time for dieters to come up with a collection of plant-based recipes.

If you are looking for some delicious suggestions, start by making a vegan chili on Mondays and meat-free vegetable soup for Tuesdays. You can follow the routine by making vegan pasta, broth-based curry, and light sandwiches for the rest of the week.

They key with this step is to keep your pace consistent instead of skipping the routine. In multiple recipes, you can skip the dairy products to keep it simple and tasteful at the same time.

5. Making Your Own Rules

There are different unique and surprising elements which you will notice with the flexitarian diet plan. Like it or not, many recipes have tofu in them! If you do not want to try it out you can use beans and rice for some time.

Tofu is a product which comes from bean curd and it may take you a while to get familiar with the taste. In the meantime, continue with what you like and make your own rules. Instead of consuming tasteless products, go for sautéed vegetables and more traditional guidelines.

Setting the Vision

Whether you are going for the flexitarian diet for weight loss or a general change of routine, you have set a vision. There are several ways to come up with long-term goals that are both inspirational and realistic. But setting a goal for the future can provide the right kind of motivation.

Firstly, ask yourself a fundamental question. Do I really need to follow this diet? A lot of people feel like their diet routine should be different but they do not follow through. It is common to have an unrealistic thinking of what the flexitarian diet may bring. You need to check some important points to determine whether the flexitarian routine is the right option. You are a good candidate if you have the following measurements:

  • Body mass index of a value greater than 25

  • Waist circumference measurement value greater than 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men.

  • A higher waist to hip ratio for both men and women

The key to set the weight loss vision is to follow the parameters. You have to be specific about your purpose by mentioning some numbers and information. You also have to keep track of the progress by measuring the weight lost, body-mass index, or general exercise performance.

Before starting different flexitarian recipes, you need to figure out if you have the time and resources to start with it. You also need a considerable amount of dedication to reach your goal.

The main thing to remember is that change takes time and it is okay to feel confused and overwhelmed! You have to begin by setting short-term milestones to stay on the right track.

Calculating the Flexitarian Score

Once you have made up your mind on following the flexitarian diet you will need some authentic stats. You will need some appropriate techniques and methods to keep your plan going. It is important to note that consistent weight loss comes with flexitarian diet. But, the progress is slow and the pace is gradual.

It can be helpful to estimate how many calories your body requires in a day. Using a weight loss calculator can be extremely effective and helpful to achieve your goals. The calculator uses your gender, age, height, current weight and level of physical activity to give you the flexitarian score. You can add your goal weight to see if you can complete the rules and guidelines of the diet plan.

You can also calculate how many calories your body requires to carry out important tasks of the day by calculating your resting metabolic rate (RMR). Once you have a suitable ratio, you can apply it to your total daily energy expenditure. You can also consult a nutritionist or get it done in a lab setting.


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