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Affirmations Process Difficult Emotions

1. I am not my grief, I will experience it, work through it, then overcome it.

2. I am sad now, but I can still have hope for the future.

3. Sadness is part of life, but so is happiness and I will hold my head high because a better day is coming tomorrow.

4. Even though they are no longer here, I will hold my head high and continue to live for them and for myself.

5. Feeling difficult emotions is okay, I am allowed to feel them as long as I work through them to a better tomorrow.

6. I will never be the same after this, but I will learn to love the new me.

7. Healing doesn’t mean forgetting, it means taking back control over my life.

8. I can take care of my body and my mind while I process difficult emotions.

9. I am allowed to heal, forget the past, and move forward.

10. I must forgive my past self in order to heal.

11. I have so much in life to be grateful for, I must not give in to grief.

12. I love who I am, who I was, and who I will be in the future.

13. Difficult emotions are part of my life lessons; I will learn from them, so I do not repeat the same mistakes again.

14. I choose to let go of my grief and choose happiness instead.

15. Healing does not happen overnight; I must be patient with myself and my process.

16. Dealing with these difficult emotions will make me a stronger person.

17. I will invite healing into my life and embrace it.

18. Each day is a step towards healing, as long as I have given it my best, I will make progress.

19. I love those around me and will not let them suffer because of my emotions.

20. I will write about and talk about my feelings with others to help me to process them.


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