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Introduction to The Art of Being Happy

It’s so easy to say we want to be happy and successful. But getting there takes so much more than just saying it out loud. You need to take action, too.

Taking action is where most people fail. They start off brimming with enthusiasm. They’ll plan out how they’re going to become successful and happy, but along the way, they'll realize it’s too much work.

So, they stop and forget all about their dreams. And they end up unsuccessful and unhappy.

You see, these people lost their motivation. Without it, they have no fuel to continue their journey, so they stop in the middle of the road. They end up waiting in the sidelines, watching life go by. They get stuck in their comfort zones, and they think now they have no other choice but to live out the rest of their lives in misery.

The good news is everything's not over yet. If you’re reading this article, then it means you’ve still got life in you. Which means you’ve got a fighting chance to go after your dreams of happiness and success once again.

Quitters are never going to win. If you don’t want to be labeled as a quitter for the rest of your life, then you need to get back out there and continue your journey!

The only question now is how to get your motivation back. Motivation can be classified into intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is that fire burning within you, while extrinsic m