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Food as Medicine - Healthy Choices

Have you ever heard the ancient saying, "Let your medicine be your food, and food be your medicine"? It's a wise saying by Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician, from whom originates the Hippocratic Oath taken by doctors. Oddly, while modern doctors recognize Hippocrates' contribution to medicine in the form of the Oath, the idea that our food can be our medicine is generally not included in the practice of modern medicine.

The good news is, foods are still "medicines," and you can affect your health positively with the foods you eat. If you'd like to incorporate more healing herbs and foods into your diet, here are some tips that can help.


The healing power of various herbs is becoming more and more recognized and accepted. Here are some of the more readily available herbs that you can add to your foods to boost their healing power.

* Ginger is an effective anti-nausea remedy and has significant antibacterial properties. The fresh root, sliced or diced, can be added to stir-fries, and it can be candied and eaten out of hand.

* Oregano, a tasty herb when added to pizza, spaghetti, and so forth, is considered an antioxidant. Antioxidants help mop up "free radicals" in the body, which are by-products of the body's metabolic processes. Free radicals are implicated in the development of arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. So, sprinkle this herb on regular dishes that are Italian or Greek in flavor.

* Rosemary is another antioxidant herb and may help enhance memory and prevent cataracts. It may even help prevent the