3 Ideal Holiday Dinner - Sources of Inspiration
Everyone loves to get inspiration. Today it’s easier than ever to get inspired due to the internet, such as right here on the Living Tree...

Breakfast & Brunch Ideas for the Holidays
If you’re feeding a crowd, then you might want something special for breakfast or brunch ideas to help you make everyone happy. But...

Festive Holiday Food Ideas - Part 1
Introduction Cooking at Christmas time either brings joyful thoughts or thoughts of dread. Maybe it’s a combination. We all love the food...

Legend of the Christmas Angels
The Annunciation to the Shepherds, 1649 Nicolaes Berchem (c.1620-1683) We decorate the Christmas tree in the most exquisite manner, and...

On a personal note - Hope you find the Christmas Spirit to last you All year through!
When I was young my Dad use to tell me a story, I believe it was based on a story by Tolstoy. I so loved this story and to me it...

On a personal note, one week and counting.
With Christmas now upon us the season of good cheer, she looked into her diary now gone another year, reading through the pages tears...

Holiday Stress And What To Do About It, Part 3
So, the holidays are here, and you are already feeling stressed. There is a ton of stuff to do, no time to do it in and your anxiety...

Tips for a Stress Free Holiday Season, Part 2
There are any number of things which can stress us out at the holiday time, from money worries to relationship issues. and the...

Ideas for a Stress Free Holiday Part 1
For many people, Holiday stress is right up there with major life events such as moving to a new house or changing jobs. This year that...

Making Your Own Christmas Decorations versus Buying Them
If you are like many other individuals, you enjoy Christmas. With Christmas comes gifts’, spending time with family, and Christmas...