Healing your spirit can mean different things to different people, but it’s the act of giving your spirit relief at its core. This can mean energetically, emotionally, or psychologically. Relief can come in different forms for each type of healing needed.
In energetic healing, you may feel more relaxed, lighter, or energetic. Psychological healing can change your perspective and give you the realization you may have been searching for. Emotional healing may feel like a big release, almost like a dam broke, and you can finally feel what you’ve been repressing.
It’s crucial to remember healing your spirit isn’t a one-time fix; it’s a form of self-care similar to brushing your teeth or doing your laundry. It needs to be done. Spiritual healing can help most when you feel you’re stuck in harmful patterns, or you have built up emotions you don’t know how to address. Let’s go over some of the best ways to continuously care for and heal your spirit.
1. Identify What Needs to Be Healed This may seem simple or even unnecessary, but I assure you it is the opposite. The first thing to consider is whether your spirit is truly broken or wounded. When you think of spiritual healing, there’s no physical construct that can be broken; it’s something we feel inside.
Take time to deeply look inside yourself, not at what you think but at what your body feels. Do you constantly feel drained? Do you often cry for unknown reasons? Focus on what your body is trying to tell you. We can push things aside and give false justifications as to why we act or feel the way we do, but our bodies aren’t. We physically feel the adverse effects of the spiritual wounds we have, whether we consciously recognize it or not.
2. Meditation
Daily meditation can help you release pent-up emotions or relax the body and give you a boost of energy. Meditation requires you to channel your focus and quiet your mind. You can try using guided meditation, visualization, or just following your breath. This helps eliminate a cluttered mind and produces a state of relaxation and tranquility.
Meditating when you need an emotional release can help calm you so you can process emotions without thinking about them. You are able to just sit and feel everything that’s been weighing on you. Having this release daily can help prevent emotions from being repressed and putting you in a constant state of stress, anger, or sadness.
3. Spend Time in Nature
Studies have shown spending time in nature reduces stress and helps regulate the nervous system. Our species has become more disconnected from the physical world by technology and the need to work for most of our lives, and this creates a negative impact on our mental and physical health.
Nature allows the spirit to feel free. It creates a sense of wonder and a deep connection to the world around you. Spending time in nature gives you a break from feeling the constant stress and heaviness day-to-day life causes. This sense of freedom allows you to connect with yourself deeply.
4. Journal
Writing is another way to practice mindfulness. Keeping a journal of what you feel or things you need to release for that day can help keep your mind clear and help you reflect back on past emotions to work through them. It can also give you an idea of what thoughts or feelings are more consistent. This can give you a clue as to what truly needs to be addressed.
5. Spend Time Alone
Alone time can be beneficial because there’s no need to keep anything bottled up inside. You can be who you truly are without fear of rejection or judgment. This can be great for healing your spirit because it gives you time to fully be yourself and express thoughts and feelings that you may not feel comfortable expressing to anyone but yourself.
Being alone can be hard for some, but it’s necessary to learn who we truly are. We are the only person that is there for us our entire lives. If you use your alone time to get to know yourself and what you desire and enjoy in life, you can heal your spirit from patterns that may have developed from past traumas.
6. Cleanse Your Spirit
Taking a bath or shower can be helpful when you do it with intention. You can set the atmosphere with candles or music and use shower sprays or dried herbs that help with relaxation. Doing a self-care task and putting effort and intention into it can do so much for your spirit. It boosts self-confidence and is a great opportunity to meditate.
7. Explore Your Passions
Doing something you love can release energy in a productive way. Indulging in things you’re passionate about can give you an outlet for emotions or thoughts that feel like they’re stuck inside you. Constantly allowing yourself to do things you love can create new energy inside you that heals negative energy you’ve held onto.
8. Reflect
Mindful reflection is a good way to connect with ourselves and understand our emotions better. Reflecting on how you feel in the current moment and what’s happening around you can ground you and give you a chance to disconnect from the chaos inside your mind and just observe yourself and the world around you.
9. Change the Narrative
The way we tell the stories of our past traumas and experiences can change the way it affects us. How much we suffer from things in the past depends on how much power we give it. You can heal your spirit through love and kindness. Learn to work through negative experiences and let go of them, so they’re no longer a part of your spirit.
10. Ask for Help
There’s no shame in asking for support from people you trust. Having people to talk to is a valuable tool. If you feel you cannot work through things by yourself or you’re having a hard time with it, talking to someone who’s disconnected from the problem can give you a fresh perspective.
Your spirit is an important part of you. It’s part of the core of who you are. Learning good techniques to use regularly is the best way to care for and heal your spirit. Whether you need to release emotions, connect with yourself on a deeper level, or work through past experiences, it just takes time and consistency.
Your spirit is an important part of you. It’s part of the core of who you are. Learning good techniques to use regularly is the best way to care for and heal your spirit. Whether you need to release emotions, connect with yourself on a deeper level, or work through past experiences, it just takes time and consistency.