Pandemic: Identifying What You Can and Can't Control is Key for Mental and Emotional Relief

The coronavirus pandemic is leaving grocery stores without toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and other essentials nearly all over the world. We look around us and see anxious looks on people’s faces, and it is no wonder that we begin to feel stressed and worried. We cannot predict how long our lives will feel like this, so we are all left in a state of hysteria and confusion.
This epidemic is leaving us without jobs and income, and it is taking an emotional and mental toll on everyone. When we feel overwhelmed and uncertain, we obsess over the news and try to play out future scenarios in our heads.
However, these techniques leave us in an even worse state and can be detrimental to mental wellbeing. Identifying what is not in your control and letting go of those worries is key during times of uncertainty like these.
Anxiety is inevitable during these unpredictable times, but when we recognize and accept it, we can stay in control of the mind and realize that there are many things that are out of our control. We cannot change the fact that grocery stores are limited, hospitals are at capacity, and we cannot force the isolation rules to be lifted.
Instead of over analyzing the news, it is important to recognize that these things are occurring and that everyone is going through these worrying feelings with us, even when we feel alone.
Identifying Your Control
Below is a list of things that are in fact in your control and those that are not to allow you to feel some mental and emotional relief:
What you can’t control:
How long it will take to get it under control
How many people will be affected one way or another
Number of deaths
When businesses will re-open
When you will go back to work
When the shelter in place orders will be removed
When you can go back to concerts, football games and other gatherings
What you can control:
What you do with your time while stuck at home – whether it is constructive and self-supportive
How you protect yourself from infection
How you concern yourself with protecting others from infection
Your attitude and mindset
How you deal with your emotions
How you are supportive to others
How much you make the best out of a horrible situation
Listen to your mind
Rather than sitting with negative thoughts all day and letting them overpower you, this is a great time to learn about connecting with your mind and start practicing ways to connect with yourself.
Whether it be breathing techniques, meditation, or even writing in a gratitude journal, your mental and emotional health will improve significantly, and you will be able to analyze your worries from an outside perspective. Even though we cannot control the situation, we can control the way we react to it and adjust to our surroundings.
Connect with Others
When you are feeling trapped in the house and do not have human interaction with friends and your community, it is very normal to start to feel isolated and lonely. Although we cannot control the need for staying home, we can adapt to it and connect with others through technology. You can call or video chat with your loved ones and catch up with people you have not spoken to in a while due to the digital availability at our fingertips.
Proper Sleep Schedule
Sleep is one of the best ways to reduce stress levels and improve your mental health when you are unable to leave the house. Getting the same number of hours each night will keep you feeling energized and will allow you to feel more structured on a daily basis.
Although you cannot control the way that your routine has changed compared to a month ago, you can control the way you adapt and adjust. It can be very easy to lay in bed all day or not have any structure in your life because you are home all day. However, staying on top of your morning routine no matter what you have to do each day will keep you motivated and accountable to stay productive.