Pizza Parties for Adults

Many adults today are in a pinch when it comes to dining out. The idea of potluck parties or taking turns at one another’s houses for meals on a Friday night is resurfacing once again. A really great and fun way to breathe new life into that idea is by hosting a pizza party for adults where adults can make and eat their own pizza pies.
The best way to host an adult pizza making party is to send out invitations. If you are really thinking of going economical, you can use your email for invitations. Make sure to let everyone know that you need him or her to bring certain ingredients, as well.
Once everyone responds, ask each guest to volunteer or assign him or her specific ingredient. You can supply the dough and the wine for the pizza making party.
Since not everyone likes everything on their pizza, once your guests arrive, have your kitchen tables set up with everything on it and ask one or two guests to make a simple cheese pizza for those who like things plain.
Otherwise, have small sections of dough ready to go. Using smaller sections of dough will make for miniature size pizzas and you will be able to fit more of those in your oven. These also take up less time.
If you have a neighbor or two attending the pizza party, ask them to let you use their stoves for the finished product.
While sipping wine and enjoying conversation, have your guests get really creative with everything from pineapple to anchovies on their pizzas. Olives, anchovies, red and green peppers, and mushrooms are great toppings. You can even broil some chicken, cut it up the day of the party, and have your guests add that, as well.
Food and Drink:
If your guests are really the creative type, then perhaps you might want to consider having them create different types of cocktails to go with their pizza creations. You may even want to consider having different types of wines and have a wine tasting/pizza-creating event. The possibilities are boundless.
Do not be afraid to get creative with this. Do not make it about simple pizzas; try making a white pizza with fresh ricotta cheese or a margherita pizza, pizza with salad on top or pizza with pasta on it. You can make miniature pizzas or pizzettes, as well. Homemade pesto, fresh mozzarella, the pizza making possibilities are endless.
It is important, however, to get a clear and definitive head count before you host your pizza party so that you can sit down and make a list of ingredients that will be sufficient for you and your guests to enjoy your pizza making experience its best.