The Coming Of Spring and Allergies

Spring is just around the corner. And with it comes

all the lovely pollen. Lots of people have no problem

with spring. They welcome it with open arms.

But for thousands of people, spring means runny noses,

itchy eyes and congested breathing. These people

suffer from an allergy. Probably the most common

allergy, affecting the most people is the allergy to


Spring brings new growth and with this new growth,

plants have the urge to produce fruit or seeds.

Basically, pollen is created by the male plant parts

and taken to the female plant parts. While some plants

depend on insects to do their pollinating, many use

the wind.

The pollen grains are carried by the wind to other

plants to keep the species alive and flourishing.

Most people are just annoyed by the collection of

pollen on their automobiles, porch, patio and

everything else that sits around outside. But for the

people allergic to pollen, their problems are more

than annoying.

The most common symptoms of an allergy to pollen can

be seen every where. Runny noses, itchy watery eyes,

sneezing and coughing are yearly evidence that spring

is in the air.

The pollen irritates the areas that come into contact

with air. That means eyes, nose, throat and lungs. As

the pollen blows on the wind, it causes problems that

turn the joy and beauty of spring into anything from a

nuisance to a nightmare for the thousands that suffer

from this allergy.